Are you searching for Photography Training Workshop in Thane/Mumbai ?
But don’t know where to look for. Your search ends here !
Master Pics is conducting a two day photography workshop in Thane.
The workshop is designed as composite module (Basic+Advance) so that beginners as well as advance amateurs who want to take their art to the next level can take advantage of its exhaustive content.
The only pre-requisite required from participants is lot of enthusiasm to learn different aspects of photography.
Day 1
- Types of cameras
- Information on various buttons on camera and its functions
- Auto & Semi-auto exposure modes
- learning the exposure triangle (shutter speed ,aperture, ISO)
- Focusing, metering and exposure setting in manual mode
- Use of white balance & exposure compensation
- Techniques for taking sharp images
- How to make compelling images following the rules of photography
Day 2
- Assignment on freeze the action & DOF
- Hands on learning of the advance panning technique
- Flash photography and studio lighting (Model Shoot)
- Indoor portfolio shoot with studio lights
- Retouching of photographs using lightroom 5.1