Have you been bitten by the photography bug or you been just gifted a new DSLR camera but are overwhelmed with it’s functionality ?
Want to learn more about photography than just taking a occasional selfie? Then you have hit the right place!
Master Pics is conducting a one day photography workshop in Thane.
The workshop is specially designed for beginners who love photograph and want to learn more about it as a creative hobby or even as rewarding profession in future. The course is designed as 1.5 day workshop. First day is dedicated to class room session and a photo-walk on the second day (3 hrs) under the guidance of experts to polish your newly acquired skills
The only pre-requisite required from participants is lot of enthusiasm to learn different aspects of photography.
Day 1
- Types of cameras
- Information on various buttons on camera and its functions
- Auto & Semi-auto exposure modes
- learning the exposure triangle (shutter speed ,aperture, ISO)
- Focusing, metering and exposure setting in manual mode
- Use of white balance & exposure compensation
- Techniques for taking sharp images
- How to make compelling images following the rules of photogrpahy
Day 2 : Photo-walk under expert supervision